Home News by RegionAnguilla News News Flash! OECS to use Advisory Centre for WTO Law
Cherise Valles,
David Jordan

Trade Economist David Jordan

In breaking Caribbean news, David Jordan , a former Director of International Trade and Investment , in  the St Lucia Government,  now a Lead Business Adviser with  Giordano Associates Ltd,  lauds the  move by the OECS at the recent OECS  57th meeting of  the Authority  – Heads of Government Conference held in Antigua to embrace and to utilize the framework of  Advisory Centre for WTO LAW ( ACWL)

The ACWL has been offered to the developing countries states of the WTO ever since its inception ….but accession to its membership was deemed as too costly at the time by several developing countries and institutions which considered this unaffordable.

A former advocate of the facility in his previous posting , says,  the region has slept on this facility and failed to take advantage of the useful leverage it  provides in view of the legal wrangles member states face at the WTO level in an attempt to protect its economic interests and the livelihood of its people.., Jordan argues.

Cherise Valles,

Cherise Valles, Deputy Director at the Advisory Centre on WTO Law (ACWL)

He  states “  Legal battles within the context of international trade are costly . .. in close reference he itemizes issues  such as the Banana war with the USA ,  Gaming – Antigua vs  the USA , the recent Airline Passenger Duty  with the UK  which in his opinion could be another issue for WTO intervention.

He however smirks,  as he states  like several other matters within it has come late but at least a couple are thinking and taking cognizance of the need for action and learning lessons from strategic alliances within appropriate agencies in Europe.

Jordan International Trade Specialist , emphasizes that the facility now contemplated by  the OECS  heads  – in a collective approach can redown to more effective redress to the challenges of International Trade disputes.

This brings to life,  a facility which can be utilized in a cost effective manner to the benefit of the OECS region as a whole amidst  the current challenges of international Trade negotiations within the context of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) ,  and the challenges of fiscal constraints.

Giordano Associates Ltd is a business Advisorial firm operating in the OECS which focuses primarily on International Trade and Economic Policy.  June 2013


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