Home African Caribbean Mother’s Day: ‘You can’t exactly go and fight her, Mothers want the best for you’

Mother’s Day: ‘You can’t exactly go and fight her, Mothers want the best for you’

by caribdirect

As Mother’s Day approaches, Angela Morris’s new book “Don’t Let Them Stop You! – It’s Personal” outlines mothers’ roles, challenges they face and how to approach these challenges regardless of cultural upbringing.

Rather than go fight your mother, Angela in her book suggested that you might be able to have a discussion with her face to face, over the phone or by letter. This approach, according to her, could go really, really well or really, really badly. So, it’s a 50-50 on this one.

“Sorry, I have to be honest! (There are no guarantees, especially based on which culture you were raised in; my black and brown people may decide to tread with caution here!). On the other hand, you might feel a “bulldozer” moment come over you, and feel better having expressed yourself and got some things off your chest!,” says Angela.

Angela hinted some hard truth about mothers noting that they want the best for you, they don’t always get you, they have their own issues, they want to live their lives again through you, they don’t always even understand themselves, and they are not necessarily good at communicating their feelings.

Regardless, Angela’s book explains that every mother will have their own definition of how they should raise their children. Much of this will be based on their own experiences and what they carry over from their experiences. As she states in her book, “still, mother’s roles include to love unconditionally, to care both physically and emotionally, to correct to discipline and train, to build encourage and teach, and to connect with children and grow with them.”

Don’t Let Them Stop You! is the title of a series of hard-hitting self-help books from Angela which aims to enable readers to transform their lives on their journey of self-discovery.

“Don’t Let Them Stop You! – It’s Personal”, the first in the series, explores a range of themes including parenting styles, abandonment, past trauma, mental health, relationships, feminism and more. 

“This book is full of practical tips and approaches to help the reader find and keep their sense of identity when the people close to them try to control them”, explains author Angela Morris.

“Don’t Let Them Stop You! – It’s Personal is on Amazon now.


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