Home African Caribbean More mysterious goings on in St Lucia

Dear Editor:

Caribbean news. I hear that my last letter created something of a stir in the “Funny Boys Inc.” camp and, according to my well informed source in London, the Boyz are busy circling the wagons in an attempt at damage control – something that may yet turn into Custer’s Last Stand.

Now it seems that a famously corrupt former politician in a British territory has been running his mouth to his British pals and spilling even more beans concerning the Boyz relationship with a Canadian owned regional bank, which is being given some credence in UK clandestine circles in the light of the mysterious goings on in Saint Lucia.

These include, as previously revealed, a “penetrative” relationship between a Saint Lucia government director of security and a locally resident former FBI agent who used to work at the US embassy in Bridgetown, both of whom are alleged in US federal court filings to have unlawfully conspired to influence a certain visa matter contrary to US national security interests. Not to mention some likely concern on the part of Cuban and Venezuelan security services, who may now be wondering to what extent the furtive activities of their respective governments in and with Saint Lucia may have been revealed to the Boyz counter intelligence as a result of, so to speak, a “double penetration”.

Photo courtesy bennosfiguresforum.com

Photo courtesy bennosfiguresforum.com

It seems that, not only did the former agent obtain – reportedly at the behest and/or influence of the same public official – an Alien Landholding Licence from Saint Lucia Prime Minister Kenny Anthony, as well as firearms permit from Commissioner of Police Vernon Francois, both within an astonishingly short time, when other applicants have to wait months if not years for the same privilege, the Boyz favourite regional bank supplied a mortgage loan of several hundred thousand dollars to the same newly arrived foreign national. And we all know how regional banks are reluctant to lend any money at all, let alone to “alien” transients – unless there is some kind of ironclad collateral security or other guarantee available. Perhaps the “full faith and credit” of a foreign federal agency?

FCPA anyone? Which would be extremely embarrassing to the same agency actually charged with its enforcement…

Tori Fatal


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