Home African Caribbean Jamaica55 Prayer Breakfast Birmingham and London

Jamaica55 Prayer Breakfast Birmingham and London

by caribdirect

Dear Fellow Jamaicans and Friends  of Jamaica,

As  you are aware,  Jamaica’s 55th anniversary of Independence was commemorated last year with the staging of a series of events and initiatives across the United Kingdom which were either organised or supported by the High Commission and the Jamaica55 Steering Committee co-chaired by Ms. Janelle Raeburn and Mr. Rudi Page.

In further recognition and celebration of this significant 55th anniversary milestone, the Jamaica55 Sub-Committee for faith-based organisations chaired by Bishop Dr. Joe Aldred, has organised the below two Prayer Breakfasts to be held in  Birmingham on Saturday, 28th April 2018 and  in London on Saturday, 5th May 2018:

Ø  Jamaica55 UK – Birmingham  Prayer Breakfast – 28th April 2018 (8:30 – 10:30 am)

New Testament Church of God the Rock

11 George Street West

Birmingham B18 7HD

Ø  Jamaica55UK – London Prayer Breakfast – 5th May 2018 (8:30 – 10-30 am)

New Testament Church of God, Brixton Community Church

Lambert Road

London SW2 5BB

The Prayer Breakfasts will provide us with an excellent opportunity to fellowship as we reflect upon and give God thanks for the past, consider the present challenges and opportunities, as we look, with hope, to a positive future for our beloved island Jamaica and all its people spread across the world.

You are cordially invited to share in prayers, discussions and a delicious hot Caribbean breakfast! There is a minimal charge to cover the cost of the meal.

Please see below the link for booking. You are encouraged to register early.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Birmingham on Saturday 28 April 2018

https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/ e/birmingham-prayer-breakfast- jamaica-55-uk-tickets- 42613661609 

London on Saturday 5 May 2018

https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/ e/london-prayer-breakfast- jamaica-55-uk-tickets- 43351747243 


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