Home African Caribbean Jack of all trades, master of none!

Jack of all trades, master of none!

by caribdirect
Olive Guillais-Lazure

Olive Guillais-Lazure

Community news. How many of us want to do everything, and find ourselves not being ‘a master’ in a particular area of interest.  We have heard the saying ‘Jack of all trades, master of none!’.  I can relate to this, as I have also been a member of this ‘club’, going back many years ago.

There are those that claim to do DIY, and yet items that they put together are never complete or fall apart.  There are those that do photography, all because they believe they can take better pictures, than those that actually studied photography.  There are those that want to be a presenter, as they have seen others presenting, and it all looks so easy.  There are those that start courses, and never seem to finish.

We feel we can do it all, and find out sooner or later, that it is not as easy as we had initially thought.  That others have made it look or seem so easy.  We are also forgetting the fact that, it came naturally to them, and it may well be their calling or gift shining through.

This is probably why some of us find that we never seem to finish things that we started off.  We find ourselves enthused at the onset, then soon after the enthusiasm is gone.  We are bored!  ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’!

Photo courtesy dadsprimalscream.wordpress.com

Photo courtesy dadsprimalscream.wordpress.com

Indeed, it is good to try things out, as you may not be sure where your skills lie.  We are all capable of doing a variety of different things, nevertheless, there is always a particular thing that we have been blessed with, that shines through, and which other things derive or originate from.  So find out what this ‘thing’ is, nurture it, develop it, and master it into a trade that you can be proud of.

We are each here to live a life of varied experiences, whilst finding out who we are, and what it is that makes us ‘glow in the dark’.  So, perfect those things that you are interested in or good at.  When you find what it is that you have been called to do (your purpose), shine naturally to perfection.


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