Home African Caribbean How a Nigerian Government official became an internet sensation

How a Nigerian Government official became an internet sensation

by caribdirect

Nigerians are known to be very critical of their government officials, so when a National TV station invited one over for an interview, one would have expected the government official to be on top of his game when it came to answering questions.

Last week, Obafaiye Shem, the Lagos state commander of the  Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corp (NSCDC) corps was quizzed on live TV by three TV Presenters about the details of his organisation’s web address. He did not seem to have a clue what the domain name of the organisation was and when he eventually gave the web address, he gave the wrong one.

Since the release of the infamous video last week, many Young Nigerians have taken to the internet and made a caricature of Mr Obafiaye. As at last night, the hashtag #OgaAtTheTop was trending in Nigeria on twitter. Young folks all over the country have added pictures and videos of the infamous interview on social networks across the internet. This has helped turn a man who attended a live TV interview into something of an overnight internet celebrity.

Young Nigerians went far as printing a T-shirts about the infamous interview

Images like this abound on the internet

Young Nigerians went far as printing a T-shirts about the infamous interview

Young Nigerians went as far as printing  T-shirts about the infamous interview



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