- Rolls Royce (3rd January2014),
- Goldman Sachs (5th January 2014) and
- Bank of America Merrill Lynch (23rd January 2014)
among many others. Have a look through the following webpages to see all the firms and summer internships on offer.[0]=bundle:ad_workexperience
In a tight jobs market, getting quality work experience as early as possible and as frequently as possible is critical. According to High Flyers 2013 research, half of recruiters warn that candidates without previous work experience have little or no chance of receiving a job offer from them.
Moreover, three quarters of the graduate vacancies advertised by City investment banks and half the training contracts offered by leading law firms are likely to be filled by graduates who have already completed work experience with the employer.
Young people typically need a lot of encouragement and practical help to put together a well structured CV and an engaging cover letter. This cannot be left to all too often overstretched schools and tertiary institutions. It is down to parents and other concerned adults to ensure that young people get the encouragement and quality guidance they need.
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