Home African Caribbean Dynamic Airways to stick with Guyana no matter what

Caribbean news. Dynamic Airways will continue to service the Guyana to New York route despite the numerous challenges that has plagued the airline from the commencement of its operations in Guyana.

Its most recent delay sparked anger among hundreds of passengers who were unable to make it home in time for Christmas. The Airline’s local representative, Captain Gerry Gouveia told iNews during an interview that Dynamic Airways is committed to Guyana.

“There is a commitment on behalf of the owners of Dynamic to stay with the Guyana market to make it work, they know they are facing challenges, they know there is an uphill task to win people’s confidence but they are prepared to take that risk, they are prepared to go through the growing pains,” Gouveia said.

Photo courtesy newssourcegy.com

Photo courtesy newssourcegy.com

The most recent incident saw a protest at JFK airport the morning of Christmas Eve 2014, after 100 passengers were told they would not make it home for the holidays.

Gouevia could not clearly outline the steps that will be taken by the airline’s management to regain the confidence of passengers.

“It is a challenging time for Dynamic, it really is and there is no doubt that there are a lot of internal systems that need to be sharpened up in Dynamics and so on but the owners of Dynamic I will tell you are very committed, they have not indicated to me their intention of pulling out of the Guyana market, they have indicated their intention to keep working every day to overcome the challenges that they face.”

Captain Gerry Gouveia. Photo courtesy http://www.inewsguyana.com

Captain Gerry Gouveia. Photo courtesy http://www.inewsguyana.com

He also made it clear that he only has responsibility for the airline’s operations in Guyana.

“Roraima is the Guyanese face of Dynamic; it means we provide all the services here, I am not involved, when they run into problems at Kennedy and they end up with a maintenance problem with the aircraft. It’s not something that I have operational control of, I have operational control of Roraima planes, I don’t have operational control of those planes, so we basically respond to some of the challenges.”

On the issue of the carrier’s air worthiness and serviceability, Gouveia explained that even though the delays have been frequent, the relevant authorities have not brought that into question.

“The only people who are certified to pronounce on Dynamic’s serviceability and air worthiness is the FAA and as far as I know the FAA have not made any such pronouncement as yet. In fact Dynamic airplanes are flying all over the world; all airplanes from time to time experience mechanical issues.” Article courtesy www.inewsguyana.com

Dynamic Airlines Crew in Guyana. Photo courtesy guyana.hoop.la

Dynamic Airlines Crew in Guyana. Photo courtesy guyana.hoop.la


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