Home African Caribbean Drugs financing Guyana political leaders’ lifestyles

Drugs financing Guyana political leaders’ lifestyles

by caribdirect

Caribbean news. It is a well-documented fact that high ranking members of the PPP/C are corrupt and connected to a network of Guyana’s drug Barons. An ongoing investigation into this dark underworld has revealed just how connected and complicated a network the PPPC has been forced to maintain in order to keep the country’s bills paid, to keep the corrupt and greedy ministers satiated and to maintain their stranglehold on power. Even if the APNU wins, again, they will once again not be able to take power because the PPPC and their drug baron enforcers are dead set on maintaining power. Guyana is a failed state.

The vast majority of Guyanese know the truth. The people are not deluded by the appearance of progress in the form of drug-funded multicolored, multi-storied, concrete monstrosities popping up all around Guyana. They also know that Ministers who earn $4000 – $6000 USD per month simply cannot afford to purchase and maintain several mansions, gold mining operations, vast real estate holdings, multiple US overseas trips each year and the extravagant lifestyles displayed in vulgar fashion to a Guyanese citizenry largely struggling to make a living each day.

The PPP/C and their Cabal are the most loathsome and dangerous group to hold power in the Caribbean. The cabal is led by a Guyanese billionaire named “Salem”. This notorious character is a vicious drug kingpin, more wealthy and influential than Roger Khan and he is the enforcer for the PPPC who kills anyone who is identified as threatening to the status quo.

President Donald Ramotar and former president Bharatt Jagdeo. Photo courtesy www.stabroeknews.com

President Donald Ramotar and former president Bharatt Jagdeo. Photo courtesy www.stabroeknews.com

The recent cocaine bust in Africa is directly linked to Salem as the Shipper, and he is currently in hiding from the long arm of the US drug task force and law enforcement. Insiders report that Salem shuffles more than 1000 kilos of cocaine monthly from Colombia to Guyana. Cocaine which enters Guyana’s porous borders and weakly guarded airspace. At a cost of 00 USD per kilo and selling price of ,000 USD / kilo, Salem has been able to pay bribes to participants in all levels of Guyana’s various Ministries including the armed forces. Many of the nouveau riche depend on his largess to thrive. All are consumed, all are controlled, all are compromised. Indeed Guyana is a failed state.

With his cocaine proceeds, Salem has diversified into mining and has acquired three dredges at a cost of 3 million US each. These dredges dig for gold in the rivers of Guyana’s hinterland from water mining blocks that were sold by the ( Guyana Geology and Mines Commission GGMC for below market value.

In exchange, Salem allegedly pays to the coffers of the PPP/C some GY 100 million dollars per Month in kickbacks. Various Ministers allegedly benefit from these kickbacks thus the multiple homes, cars and extravagant lifestyles.

Thinking citizens know the truth and have long figured it out for themselves. They know that these Ministers can’t even run basic administrations effectively, yet many claim to own successful businesses which help to maintain their lifestyles. The people are not fooled.

The proceeds allegedly received by the PPPC also help to promote the party and its race hate and propaganda. The relationship with Salem is a mutually beneficial one and thus he operates with impunity in exchange, he ensures that the PPPC remains in power.

Salem has also acquired all of Roger Khan’s Prime real Estate including his home. Salem was most recently fingered in the murders of Ricardo Rodriques and who were gunned down at the GMRC in Queenstown. Salem was never questioned since the Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee is also on his payroll. Rohee even granted him a security license at a cost of 10 million dollars.

Finance Minister Ashni Singh is also alleged to be directly connected to Salem is alleged to have funneled millions of dollars to Salem for the purchase of Columbian drugs. Most recently there is some question as to whether the 8 million US dollars given as a grant by the Chinese in August 2013 was funneled to Salem to be invested in the drug operation. Guyana is a failed state. “.. all are consumed”. Article courtesy http://brutalfactsgt.com/

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