Home African Caribbean Is the Dress Gold and White or Black and Blue?

Is the Dress Gold and White or Black and Blue?

by caribdirect
Staff Writer - Latoya Wakefield

Staff Writer – Latoya Wakefield

Fashion commentary. Recently, social media went crazy with trying to a determine the colour of a simple drss. There was no unanimous agreement as  what group saw differed from what the other saw. It was a bit mind boggling. At times, one wondered if they were really looking at the same dress. Why would you see black and blue and I see gold and white?

Here’s one explanation Dr. Stephen McLeod, chairman of UCSF’s ophthalmology department.

“If you go to the gold/black area [of the dress photo] and blow the image way up, people who see gold will see that the clusters of pixels are basically reds (pinks) and greens (olives),” McLeod went on. “They merge to give the summated color. If you have red-green deficiency, you’ll see just black.”

Another person said : If you see white and gold, you are correct. If you see black and blue, you are red-green colorblind. www.independent.co.uk stated in their article “Blue and black or white and gold, how the dress colour you see says a lot about you”

Photo courtesy geniushowto.blogspot.com

Photo courtesy geniushowto.blogspot.com

But the dress – blue and black, or white and gold – somehow confuses this system, it seems. Some brains look at the dress and attempt to discount the blue bit – something like the ambient light of night time. Others try and get rid of the effect of the gold part, because the brain sees it as the colour of a sunny day, and sees the dress as blue and black.

My take is that it’s all about perspective or probably you’re just colour-blind 😛  What colours do you see?


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