Home African Caribbean Diabetes Champion Anthony Kelly Recognised by BCA

Diabetes Champion Anthony Kelly Recognised by BCA

by caribdirect

Despite the pandemic in 2020, The British Citizen Award united their January 2021 Medalists with their coveted Medal of Honour via Courier.  Today, Anthony Kelly from Birmingham, West Midlands has been presented with the Certificate of Honour at the Palace of Westminster, completing the recognition and honour so deserved.  The British Citizen Award, in partnership with One Stop, is now in its sixth year and recognises exceptional individuals who positively impact their communities throughout the country. 

Although the physical Medal Presentation Ceremony had been temporarily postponed due to social distancing guidelines, 27 extraordinary people have been honoured and celebrated for their positive impact on society, their selfless giving, and their commitment to community. 

Anthony Kelly has been honoured for Services to Healthcare with a BCAh and was presented with the Certificate of Honour from Lisa Collins, Managing Director and Founder of long-term Sponsors Objective HR. 

Tony was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes 17 years ago, which in his case is hereditary. Through adhering to his disciplined regime, has not needed to take any medication for his condition. It is his personal journey that many find engaging. For nearly nine years Tony has been a committed volunteer for Diabetes UK and is currently Diabetes Patient Lead for NHS Birmingham & Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group, a volunteer role that he has undertaken for the past six years. 

Tony volunteered at over 160 events in the year up to lockdown, including awareness workshops, speaking engagements, attending fairs, fetes and health days – and prior to that had been filmed and interviewed for radio, television and websites. He works hard at getting the ‘physical activity and a healthy balanced diet’ message across to all communities, especially those marginalised.   

Since Tony started volunteering, he has reached thousands of people helping to improve their well-being, reducing the strain on the NHS and preventing many at risk of developing Diabetes through suggesting lifestyle changes. He advocates a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet to reduce the effects of the condition and wants to help as many people as he possibly can. 

“Each time a new group of medalists are selected it reminds us of how great the people of this nation are. We serve many communities up and down the country through the One Stop convenience stores, and these particular individuals being recognised now, especially at this time of extraordinary circumstance, reflects all that is good about community spirit. It’s a privilege to play a small part in helping them to be recognised. Our congratulations go to all 26 honourees”, said Jonny Mcquarrie, from BCA partner One Stop. 

While some aspects of the Presentation differed to the usual event, all Medalists were presented with their Certificate of Honour and had a memorable day that they will never forget, which is fitting recognition for their amazing contribution to society. The event was hosted by BBC Breakfast Charlie Stayt, with BCA Patron Lord Dholakia in attendance. Certificates were presented by senior figures from the sponsor community which includes Experian, Places for People, Objective HR, alongside Specsavers and One Stop.  

Each Medal of Honour bears the words ‘For the Good of the Country’ and are presented to only a small number of exceptional individuals twice yearly. The British Citizen Award is widely viewed as the nation’s way of recognising extraordinary, everyday people for exceptional endeavor and are truly representative of today’s multicultural Britain. 


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