Home African Caribbean Damning testimony in Kartel’s Murder Trial

Damning testimony in Kartel’s Murder Trial

by caribdirect
Staff Writer - Kerran Monroe

Staff Writer – Kerran Monroe

In Community news. 12 jurors are finally selected and the Vybz Kartel murder trial is finally underway.  Testimonies included those from police officers, fire experts, the sister and girlfriend of Clive “Lizard” Williams and a witness who was allegedly involved with the issue of the missing firearm and was also there during the alleged killing of Lizard.

According to reports, the witness alleged that he and Clive Williams were summoned by Vybz Kartel to report to his house in Havendale, St. Andrew.  He testified that, Vybz Kartel’s co-accused, Shawn Campbell, whose stage name is “Shawn Storm” took him and Lizard to Kartel’s home by Taxi.

The witness, according to reports, testified that, when they arrived at the house and were asked about the guns, Lizard told Kartel that “he gave ‘Browns’ the gun to put back”.  After which Kartel responded, “So wha unu plan fi do?” to which Lizard replied, “we plan fi buy dem back.”

The witness reportedly continued his testimony stating that he ran into a room of the house, in fear that something was going to happen to him.  He was however prevented from locking himself into the room located at the back of the house by Kartel and Shawn Storm, as they pushed the door open; after which he was embraced by Kartel who assured him that everything would be ok, then he was taken back to the living room of the house where the activities were taking place.

Shawn Storm. Photo courtesy worldbossteam.com

Shawn Storm. Photo courtesy worldbossteam.com

He said that when they arrived back into the living room, he saw Lizard lying on the ground, not moving.  Standing beside him was Andre St John Kahira who is one of Kartel’s co-accused, with a building block.  When he saw that he said that he escaped from Kartel, who was holding on to him, ran and scaled two fences.  After which he was chased by Kartel, who was bitten by his (Kartel’s) own pit bull dog.  According to the witness, while chasing him, Kartel was shouting at him, still trying to assure him that everything would be ok.

He said that he stopped a taxi, which both he and Kartel boarded to the Andrew’s Memorial hospital, where Kartel was treated for the dog bite.  While at the hospital, he said that Kartel again tried to reassure him that everything was ok.

He also said in his testimony that after the ordeal, he saw Shawn Storm and asked about Lizard and was instructed that if asked, he should say that Lizard never went into the taxi with them.


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