Home African Caribbean Caribbean Export invites you to China Summit

Caribbean news. Invitation to CARIFORUM BSOs (Business Support Organizations) to participate in the 8th China-Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Business Summit, September 12-13 2014, Changsha City, Hunan Province

Caribbean Export would like to invite you to participate in the 8th China-LAC Business Summit to be held in Changsha City, Hunan Province, China, September 12-13, 2014. The theme of this Summit is “From Quantity to Quality, Greater Cooperative Potential, Greater Interest Convergence”. Please see link below to find further information about the Business Summit.

China Summit
Caribbean Export will sponsor a representative from five CARIFORUM BSOs to participate in this event. The aim of this initiative is to build the capacity of 5 CARIFORUM BSOs to strategically target and penetrate new markets like China for exports, investments and to find partners in China in areas such as suppliers of raw materials.

The focus for investments and exports include:

  • Priority Niche Goods Exports, including but not limited to: Coffee (both regular and luxury branded), Packaged Fruits & Vegetables, Flowers (ornamental & exotic), Spices, Luxury branded Rum;
  • Renewable Energy (such as Solar & Wind Power);
  • Financial services (in particular Offshore Financial Services);
  • Tourism;
  • Maritime Construction (including Ports); and
  • Communications

This expression of interest targets CARIFORUM BSOs whose mandate focuses on Investment Promotion and Export Development.

In order to be selected as one of the 5 BSOs to be sponsored, the organization must demonstrate that it has strategic opportunities in, and or is currently developing projects in the sectors identified above.

Interested persons must submit all required documentation to Caribbean Export Development Agency.

Submissions must be addressed to:

Mr. Kevin Jones
c/o Caribbean Export Development Agency
St. Michael, BB2206

Submissions can also be emailed to [email protected].

China Latin America Business Summit Photo courtesy wwwcostaricantimescom

China-Latin-America-Business-Summit. Photo courtesy www.costaricantimes.com

Expressions of interest must be submitted no later than August 20th, 2014.

The criteria for participating in this initiative are listed below:

BSOs must submit:

  • A description of the projects/opportunities they are currently supporting that have direct relevance to the six sectors indicated above. These opportunities must be ready for implementation in the short term i.e. in 6 to 12 months(maximum of 1500 words to be submitted with the application);
  • A Letter of Commitment:
    • Indicating a willingness to provide Caribbean Export with information on leads generated after the event and subsequent progress reports upon request;
    • Demonstrating intent to use the Summit as an immediate avenue to target the Chinese market for exports of goods and/or services; and
    • Indicating a willingness to be part of a Grouped CARIFORUM position in the sectors listed above.
  • A brief corporate profile; and
  • An overview of their international experience targeting foreign markets and results/ success stories of implemented projects (max. 350 words).

Please note that the support that Caribbean Export will be providing to each of the 5 successful BSOs to participate in this Business Summit is limited to:

  • Direct economy airfare for one person

Accommodation and daily stipend for one person (based on European Union guidelines)


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