Caribbean Enterprise Network (CEN) in association with two of its members, the Archway Guesthouse, in the Lake District and CaribDirect Multi-Media are focusing on widening the global reach for other UK Caribbean Diaspora Businesses to follow cited CEN’s Chairman Devon Thomas.
‘We need to be creative, proactive and look outside our usual scope / markets to target new business if we are to survive this rounds’ said Chairman Thomas. He had high praises for two of CEN’s members who are busy trying to blaze new trails in the global space, namely CaribDirect Multi-Media and the Archway Guesthouse in the Lake District.
‘We are trying to set the example ourselves by being the pace setters’ cited Denis St.Bernard whose B&B in the Lakes, the Archway Guesthouse has been attracting a number of Corporate Asian guests and is seeing some interesting niche areas for Caribbean products and services. ‘This is currently a steep learning curve for us and our intention is to better understand these markets and opportunities to share with the wider Caribbean network, he ended.
Team of Senior Managers from leading Engineering / IT Company from India spending a relaxing corporate networking time at the Archway way in the Lake District, with host St. Bernard.
David F. Roberts CEO of CaribDirect Multi-Media explains that exposing the Caribbean to the global marketplace is one of three key objectives of the online media company and its affiliate partners. Helping Caribbean companies to access appropriate global markets in a cost-effective and meaningful way via our digital platforms is of huge importance to us. We applaud Denis St Bernard ad his CEN team for demonstrating through The Archway Guesthouse that Caribbean products and services, if packaged correctly can be consumed by even the most discerning of global customers.