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Capitalising on Working Opportunities

by caribdirect
Amanda Rooney US Immigration Specialist

Amanda Rooney

In recent weeks I’ve noticed a common trend in my articles to expect and face uncertainties in  personal life situations, but now realise that this same principle could be applied to working opportunities that come our way. This week I’m writing this piece facing the beautiful mountains, on a hot sunny morning at the exquisite Korineum Golf Club situated outside Kyrenia in Cyprus.

As pandemic life comes to a close, and if you’re one of the many who unfortunately lost their job during that time, you may be in a position wondering what to do next? You could be feeling betwixt, in that you don’t want to go back to the old working lifestyle but how do you start the new? You may also feel inadequate as you don’t have the skills and experience to do what you’d ideally love to but wait a minute, what if I told you that you can fulfill your dream using what you already have?

I’ll use myself as an example. For a while now I’d been posting little videos on my Facebook page on various topics, not realising that a long lost friend who’s an international property tycoon had been observing me from a distance. Subsequently we reconnected on Facebook and he approached me with an excellent proposition to work with his company as a Mediterranean Property Consultant. Although I like the idea of property investment I had no idea that I would go down this road. I asked him why he considered me for the position, he replied that he saw how I connected and engaged with everyone and he needed people with such qualities which he could train in the property sector, and I already had the basic ingredients. Needless to say, I accepted his proposal hence the reason why I’m here in Cyprus and you could enjoy this opportunity too, just contact me to find out more…

You already possess the qualities that are transferable to other professions or to open your own business. Step out of your comfort zone and see that there’s working opportunities all around you for the taking. Don’t be like Lot’s wife in the bible who turned into a pillar of salt because she looked back hankering for the old life, where there was a new one waiting for her.

Yes, it’s hard work and that’s the beauty of it. Your tenacity, willingness to learn and grow will open doors you never thought possible. You’ll be in the company of people you only imagined and you’ll be living a life of contributory productivity to God, yourself and others. I want to encourage you to get out of the boat of mediocrity, your familiar circle and normality to embrace a life of legacy and purpose. Capitalise on the working opportunities that come your way, you will not regret it, I certainly don’t for one minute..

If you want to capitalise on a Mediterranean property opportunity and you’re not afraid of learning and hard work, please feel free to contact me for more information, I look forward to working with you!

Until next time, remember you are beautiful and wonderfully made – With love Amanda x                  

 Amanda Alexander is a Pastor, Teacher, TV Media Journalist

Founder of Female Dignity & Amanda Alexander Productions

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