Set on the fictional Caribbean island of Kamaria, The Eye of the Storm follows the adventures of Ben Johnston and his friends as they explore the land and sea. Ben, Isaac, Charlie, and Kai meet fishermen, pirates and Rastas while spending their time restoring a sailboat, snorkeling, exploring ruins and trying to save the island from greedy developers.
While many contemporary young adult novels feature the supernatural, The Eye of the Storm benefits from the naturally magical setting of the Caribbean.
Deputy director of the BVI Department of Culture Brenda Lettsome-Tye said, “What caught me as I read the book was how much it reminded me of my childhood in Parham Town and Red Bay in East End on Tortola… With my grandfather the late Alvanley Frett being a boat builder, and him having built a boat just for his grandchildren, there were many an adventure out to sea, looking under the sea with masks, catching fish… The culture in which I grew up is palpable in the pages of The Eye of the Storm…Ms. Bramble has preserved a slice of our Virgin Islands Culture in her book.”
Alison Knights Bramble works as the National Director for Special Olympics BVI where she coached her team to Gold and Silver medals at the 2011 Special Olympics Games in Athens. Her interaction with her sailing students over the years inspired The Eye of the Storm. In turn, she hopes the book inspires young people to read. All proceeds from the sale of the book will benefit Special Olympics BVI.
With an international audience, the book will bring British Virgin Islands talent to the limelight while continuing to support the cause of Special Olympics BVI. For those in the territory, the adventure novel is also for sale at retailers throughout the British Virgin Islands.
At a recent meeting, Ms. Bramble mentioned that all the excitement has inspired her to begin the second novel in the series which she hopes to have completed by the end of the year.