Home Community British Media Lies About Bob Marley’s Children

British Media Lies About Bob Marley’s Children

by caribdirect

Bob Marley’s life is being falsified with lies of commission and omission once again.Some guy called Tim Adams in an article published in the English newspaper The Guardian,Sunday 19 September 2021 which included an interview with Cedella Marley about the new play titled  off the immortal song  ‘Get Up, Stand Up’ written by Peter Tosh and Bob Marley gives the false impression that Bob Marley wrote the song because Peter Tosh is not mentioned!

Bunny Wailers is not mentioned re the song either when in truth the original song had each of the three Wailers,Peter Tosh, Bob Marley and Bunny Wailers singing switch leads. The Guardian like the rest of the big English owned newspapers deliberately publish individuals who are not qualified to write about our Afrikan culture by deliberately excluding qualified and expert writers on our own Afrikan music, culture, politics, countries etc  like myself and other qualified and authoritative  Pan Afrikanist writers and journalists.

Some of the other falsehoods in Tim Adams piece are the big lie that Trench Town (in the parish of  St.Andrew) was and  is a ‘squatter camp’,Rita Marley nee Anderson had only three children for Bob Marley you little ignoramus  guy Tim Adams and their names are, Cedella, David aka Ziggy and Stephen and not four children, Rasta is not a religion because Rasta was and is a movement of Afrikans in Jamaica who totally rejected racist British imperialist genocidal colonialism and swore allegiance to HIM Emperor Haile Selassie I, Bob Marley as a mixed race individual got like other mixed race individuals in Jamaica and the rest of the Caribbean privileges and status over and above Afrikans in Jamaica and the rest of the Caribbean due to the racist caste system instituted and practised relentlessly by the racist British, French, Spanish and Dutch etc in the Caribbean and beyond.

I have written this exposure to let the ignorant become aware of the continuous lying,false and misleading propaganda against Afrikans that is constantly spread by the likes of the Guardian and other such British newspapers and media in general.The owners and controllers of this type of media in Britain are against Afrikans writing and expressing ourselves truthfully about our own Afrikan selves and stories and so use their own racial kith and kin or as a last resort carefully selected mentally enslaved  stooges and traitors from the Afrikan race.

Marcus Garvey the greatest Afrikan leader ever in his BLACKPRINT SOLUTION OF SELF RELIANCE IN ALL AREAS OF LIFE FOR THE AFRIKAN RACE wrote and said that we Pan Afrikanists must never ever allow any false propaganda against us to to go unchallenged and ignored but that on the contrary we are duty bound to destroy all racist falsehoods and propaganda against our Afrikan race wherever we are in the world.As Marcus Garvey said “UP YOU MIGHTY RACE YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH WHAT YOU WILL.”

Written by: Mandingo, the veteran Afrikan journalist and historian from Jamaica Monday 20th September 2021.


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