Home African Caribbean BFUWI invite you to special fundraising concert

The British Foundation for the University of the West Indies is pleased to announce a fundraising concert on 11 April 2017.

In celebration of its strong ties with Commonwealth countries through a shared common law tradition, Inner Temple joins BFUWI in celebrating over 50 years of Caribbean nationhood.

This year Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago will celebrate 55 years of independence (last year Barbados and Guyana marked 50 years of sovereignty). To commemorate this landmark Ambassador Richard Bernal, Pro Vice Chancellor for Global Affairs of the University of the West Indies will join us in a celebration of Caribbean food and culture. BFUWI will be joined by members of the Caribbean diplomatic corps as all Caribbean high commissioners are patrons of BFUWI.

Gary Crosby OBE, musician in residence at the Southbank will perform together with well known steel pan player, Kyron Akal, and a group of musicians to celebrate Caribbean Rhythms.

Caribbean Rhythms

Bringing a touch of the Caribbean to Central London, the evening will kick off with steel pan music by Kyron Akal and a glass of rum punch. Ambassador Bernal will welcome guests and then hand over to Gary Crosby and his Quintet. This comprises vocalist Cherise Coryna, Romarna Campbell, Nubya Garcia and Peter Edwards. After the performance there will be a Caribbean themed reception with bowl food, rum punch, wine and other refreshments. Kyron Akal will perform during the reception.

Sponsors for the event include Inner Temple and Professor Andrew Ramroop OBE CM (Trinidad and Tobago) the proprietor of Maurice Sedwell, renowned Savile Row tailors, who is one of BFUWI’s patrons. Funds raised will go towards bursaries for students studying at UWI and to support the work of BFUWI in the UK with diaspora students.

This event marks a continued collaboration between Inner Temple and BFUWI where Inner Temple has kindly hosted two all day legal workshops introducing nearly 300 students from the Caribbean diaspora and other disadvantaged groups to the study of law by allowing them to meet BAME lawyers predominantly from the Caribbean community in the heart of legal London. Inner Temple (www.innertemple.org.uk) is one of the four inns of court to which all barristers must belong and is the inn of one of BFUWI’s trustees.

Gary Crosby and his Quintet. Photo courtesy University of Surrey

Gary Crosby and his Quintet. Photo courtesy University of Surrey


6.30 pm Arrival – Glass of wine or rum punch, canapes – steel pan music

7.00 pm Welcome by Patrick Maddams, Sub-Treasurer of Inner Temple,

Ambassador Dr Richard Bernal, Pro Vice Chancellor for Global Affairs UWI

7.15 pm Gary Crosby Quintet

8.30 pm Reception (drinks and bowl food) – Steel pan music

10.00pm Guests leave

(The menu consists of traditional Caribbean saltfish cakes, fried plantain canapes, Port Royal patties; bowl food: prawn skewers, jerk chicken and rice, Caribbean macaroni pie, vegetable curry, escovitch fish, with passion fruit mousse and tropical fruit kebabs for dessert)

Early bird tickets cost £40.00 and will be on sale until 2 April 2017. Thereafter tickets will cost £50.00.

Special thanks to our sponsors, partners and donors for financial and other support:

Inner Temple

HE Mr. Guy Hewitt, High Commissioner of Barbados

Professor Andrew Ramroop OBE

CaribDirect Multi-Media

Chancery Chambers, Barbados

7 BR Chambers

Garden Court Chambers

Jamaica National Building Society

Port Royal Patties

The Voice Newspaper


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