Home African Caribbean All are invited to the DDA debating competition on Sunday

All are invited to the DDA debating competition on Sunday

by caribdirect

Community news.  For the second highly anticipated debate of 2014, the Diaspora Debating Association has chosen a topic (Black Success and achievement should be measured post slavery and colonialism) that has been at the forefront of public attention with the recent release of films dealing with ‘enslavement’ whether that be of mind, body or spirit such as ’12 Years A Slave, Mandela and Django Unchained’ to name but a few.  D.D.A’s lively and educational debates consist of two debating teams, a panel of 5 judges and an audience participation session at the end of the debate.

From the origins of humankind right through to present day, our history has been the longest and arguably the most unique.  From The Greatest to the Good, intertwining with the Bad and the Ugly our history is peppered with periods of great triumph and of great despair.  Which part of our history is the most relevant?  Some insist the fabric of who we are as a people is best measured at a time when human records began, when our stories were being carved in stone and recorded on papyrus and scrolls, insisting that in order to better understand our success and achievement today, we have to go right back to our origins.

In doing so we may get a better understanding of what we were capable of and therefore what we have the ability to do today.  Others argue that the time period leading up to slavery and colonialism is not the most important measure and in fact we need to put the strongest focus on what we have achieved since this period, how and why it was achieved to give us the blueprint for present and future success and achievement.  Which period of our history is the most important and what influence does it have on our community today?

DDA photo

There is no doubt that the power of history has an influence on human behaviour on every level, either a positive or negative impact or a combination of both. On Sunday 23rd March, 2014 two teams will debate a range of these issues, with two debate teams challenging each other with powerful, passionate and prepared arguments for and against the motion.  What are our achievements before slavery?  Are they as relevant today?  Can we identify with them?  Have we succeeded and achieved significantly post slavery and what (if any) is the impact?  Should we rely on the successes/achievements of our ancestors or should we be creating our own?

The event will provide a forum to hear some interesting debate and oratory, audience views and research on this issue.  What do you think?  What will you think?


DDA…… Let’s talk about it!


Date: Sunday 23rd January 2014 | Time: 7.00pm to 9.30pm (Doors open at 6pm)


Black Grape Platinum Suite

268 West Green Road, Tottenham

London N15 3QR


Buses to venue: 41, 67, 230, 341

Tube stations: Seven Sisters (Victoria Line) / Turnpike Lane (Piccadilly)

£5 Admission / Food will be available. 

This event will be filmed



Email:[email protected]

Tel: 07903321076/07949622661

FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/diasporadebatingassociation

TWITTER: twitter@diasporadebate



Diaspora Debating Society is a self-funded, community based organisation whose mission is to engage people in the field of skilful debating and reasoning. They formed in 2011 to organise and deliver structured debates on matters which affect the Black community in the U.K and worldwide.


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