Home African Caribbean Airfare lobbying campaign warmly received in Birmingham

Community in action against exorbitant plane fares to Jamaica organised by Think Tank & Lobby Group Facilitators For a Better Jamaica (FFBJ) Airfare Lobbying campaign continues and had its third and first Community Consultative Meeting in Birmingham on 7th December 2103.

The campaign has intensified in seeking for the reduction of airfares to Jamaica and the Caribbean and to increase baggage allowances from one suitcase to two suitcases to Jamaica.

Primrose  and Team

The objective is for the airfares to go down to around the £500.00 mark, and for the baggage allowances to  revert to two suitcases and if this does not happen there will be further action with the possibility of a boycott affecting both airlines financially.

The lobby team comprised Michael Mason, Strategist, Paul Lawrence, Consultant, Malik Muhammad, The Enforcer, Primrose Granville, Bristol Campaign Manager, Louisa-Ann Pinder, Assistant and Sylbourne Sydial Director.

Panel Profile Pic

Launched in Birmingham,  Community in Action Against Exorbitant Plane Fares was hosted by Rev. Bryan Scott of Cannon Street Memorial Baptist Church, 300 Soho Road where the team was able to share with the Birmingham Community about the campaign.

Turnout was over  110 persons including community leaders various Pastors and persons from all walks of life galvanizing around a central theme and topic.

There was a collection of over 266 signatures from Birmingham and Dudley on the night.

There was the appointment of Rev. Bryan Scott as Campaign Ambassador for Birmingham. The Campaign Ambassador Programme was launched at the Brixton Consultative Meeting which is an appointed voluntary position to coordinate as a representative of the region(s) appointed to represent “Community in action against exorbitant plane fares to Jamaica & the Caribbean” under Facilitators For a Better Jamaica & Associates. “

Basil Smith is Campaign Ambassador for Northampton and Primrose Granville for Bristol.


“We have to rethink how we travel as direct travel may be a thing of the past”~ Paul Lawrence, Consultant

Michael Mason, the Lobby Strategist  in his presentation of alternative routes by power point explained to the audience that there are many ways that we can travel to Jamaica via mainland Europe, USA and Chartered flights.

“ We are at a crucial point in our campaign where letters are formally sent to British Airways and Virgin, but nothing will be achieved unless we stick together and follow the plan”~ Sylbourne Sydial, Director of FFBJ and of the Lobby Campaign said.

The team announced that letters have formally being sent to Virgin and British Airways to commence the dialogue of which the community and supporters will be kept up-to-date each and every step of the way.

The present petition total is now trending around 15,000 with the online petition at 10,000 signatures an historical achievement by the Jamaican community.


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