Home African Caribbean Abigail Kelly plays Susanna in Opera de Bauge

Abigail Kelly plays Susanna in Opera de Bauge

by caribdirect
Abigail Kelly - Soprano

Community news. As some of you know we love opera and encourage others to view this art form in order to increase its appeal.  We saw this production in France during the summer by Opera de Bauge where it ran for four weeks  and was sold out for each performance.

Abigail Kelly - Soprano

Abigail Kelly – Soprano

The French and a lot of people from Britain in the audience thoroughly enjoyed it and commented  as such.  A couple from the South of England who are one  of the company’s regular supporters over the  many years by chance stayed at the same hotel as we did and said that this is the best one they have seen.

Well, it is coming to the Rose Theatre, Kingston- Upon- Thames for a ‘one off’ performance on Saturday 1st November, 7.30 p.m and I am doing my bit in spreading the word for others to support it.

In January of 2013  having made the journey from Birmingham to see Opera de Bauge’s  production of Aida, featuring Nadine Mortimer-Smith at the Rose Theatre,  I had no idea at that time,  that our daughter Abigail who plays the role of Susanna in The Marriage of Figaro would be making her debut at the same venue for the same opera company 20  months later. Some dear friends of ours also made the journey to France and like my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed this entire production which was of a high standard throughout and is  well worth seeing.


We have just booked our seats for this ‘one off’ performance  at the Rose Theatre and on making   enquiries about ticket availability  the latest information  given to me by the person who dealt with our booking is as follows:

a) The Rose Theatre seats 899 and there are currently 30 tickets left priced at £15.00 each in the  Pit Cushion section. This is where one is seated on the floor of the theatre at the very front and will need to have a cushion for added comfort. They are good seats.

b) All the other tickets are priced at £40.00 each with a £1.00 booking fee per ticket and a £1.60 transaction fee per booking.


This is  indeed a wonderful production and one is not just saying  that because our daughter plays one of the lead roles. My intention was to send out this information after Abigail’s fundraising concert on Saturday 4th October for the local church where her musical journey started in the church choir at age 10,  but it is nearly sold out with three weeks to go and one is mindful that some people might wish to take the opportunity to get the Pit Cushion seats or other seats with best views at the earliest available time. Hence the earlier than expected notification.

I leave you to read and digest the attached flyers which contain all the relevant information for booking your tickets  at the Rose Theatre Box Office and of course visiting the opera company’s website www.operadebauge.co.uk


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