Home African Caribbean Saint Lucia on UK “Travel Corridor” List

Saint Lucia on UK “Travel Corridor” List

by caribdirect

Saint Lucia on UK “Travel Corridor” List for Quarantine Exemption 

There’s good news for travellers from Saint Lucia to the United Kingdom as our island is among the “Travel Corridor” List released by the UK Government, meaning visitors from Saint Lucia do not have to self-isolate on arrival in UK.

Prime Minister Allen Chastanet. Photo courtesy https://caricom.org/

Prime Minister Hon. Allen Chastanet has reacted to the news about the lifting of England’s quarantine restrictions for Saint Lucian travellers.

“It’s really great news that Saint Lucia is among the 59 countries which England has unlocked travel from and lifted quarantine requirements for. So from July 10th, Saint Lucians would not have to isolate for 14 days on arrival in England,” noted Prime Minister Chastanet. “This is testimony to the success we have had as a nation in managing COVID-19. We know that once the international flights begin to arrive there are some Saint Lucians who have to travel to England to see loved ones, for business purposes or to attend school and this is definitely good news for them right now. It would also be welcome news for potential visitors from England knowing that they would not have to quarantine when they get back home.”

The statement from the UK read that the “government is satisfied that it is now safe to ease these measures in England,” however, advised travellers: “If you have been to or stopped in a country that’s not on the travel corridors exemption list you will have to self-isolate until 14 days have passed since you left that country.”

The UK Government statement also informed travellers that they would “have to comply with coronavirus requirements in the country you travel to. This may include self-isolating or providing your details to local authorities.”

Saint Lucia, this week launched an application process for visitors with detailed requirements, available at: https://www.stlucia.org/en/covid-19/.

For full UK exemption list: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-travel- corridors#travel-corridors-countries-and-territories-exemption-list


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