Home African Caribbean 5 things Jamaicans love to do but can’t afford

Eat Oxtails – Have you seen the price per lb? It’s sold at some shops for $500 per lb. Can you imagine how much it’ll cost for one night’s dinner for the family? Guess it’ll be chicken again this week, honey.

Photo courtesy www.therobotchef.com

Photo courtesy www.therobotchef.com

Go on a staycation – Now we have some of the best spots in the world right in our back yard but guess what? Wi cann afford it. Prices have become so ‘touritized’ that even the so call local prices are still above our budgets. Beaches no longer free….you got to pay for a good time or stay home and dream about it.

Photo courtesy islandbuzzjamaica.com

Photo courtesy islandbuzzjamaica.com

False Hair – One Pack of Recyclable Brazilian for $10,000 please. Jamaican women love their extensions and of great quality too but one pack for about 10,000 (even twice that price) can’t cover a head so either you got to mix high tracks with low tracks or recyclable the Brazilians you sacrificed to buy (that’s if you didn’t cut it in style) or just go natural #teamnatural

Photo courtesy neftegaz.ru

Photo courtesy neftegaz.ru

Rent a car – As much as you see private vehicles in Jamaica, there are more walkers here than you think. A lot of people who love the luxury and convenience of a car but they just can’t afford it. Even some vehicles owners have to park theirs and take bus (gas prices just too much sometimes). Once you could rent a car for cheap, now you have to pay down a hefty deposit.

Watch TV everyday – Jamaicans love their movies, series, soap operas. Some people would watch TV all night if JPS didn’t send some mouth dropping bills. Now everything turns off in the house as much as possible, if it wasn’t for night-lights, you would have probably bucked your toe on your way to the bathroom.


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